Reasons to Invest in End-Of-Season Furnace Care

Apr 16, 2021 | Furnace, HVAC | 0 comments

With furnace season finally ending and homeowners shifting gears from heating their homes to cooling them, we have some suggestions for area homeowners to consider while turning off their furnaces for the season.

Because giving your HVAC equipment the proper attention at the end of each season helps you glean a host of benefits, it’s important to put some thought into switching from heating to cooling in order to make this transition as smooth as possible. 

With this in mind, our NATE-certified technicians here at Lancaster Furnace & Air Conditioning offer the following suggestions for homeowners to invest in end-of-season furnace care this spring. 

Six Ways to Invest in End-of-Season Maintenance 

  1. Clean the area around your furnace and air conditioner to create a cleared perimeter of at least two or three feet.
  2. Give your HVAC units (both outdoor and indoor equipment) a once over, checking for loose parts, leaking fluids and strange noises. 
  3. Vacuum out all of your air vents to remove dirt, dust and dander that’s gathered.
  4. Replace your air filter and set a date to remind yourself to replace it again each month.
  5. Remember to invest in professional maintenance every year for each system so that a certified technician can identify any issues.
  6. When the weather warms up, never switch from heating to cooling abruptly. Instead, when you make adjustments to temperatures, do so slowly. This enables the system to not work against itself and run up your electric bill. 

Why Invest in Furnace Care? 

Most home heating systems last an average of 10 to 15 years. Having said that, if you are consistent with having a professional perform seasonal maintenance on your furnace every year, you can prolong its lifespan to upwards of 15 to 25 years. As an added bonus, a smoother-running HVAC system that’s maintained regularly will circulate cleaner and healthier air. You will have lower utility bills. Ultimately, HVAC maintenance significantly decreases the chances of breakdowns and problems that necessitate costly repairs. This is because professionals can catch the problem early before it gets out of hand. The benefits are definitely worth the investments! 

Call Us For All Your HVAC Needs!  

Our team at Lancaster Furnace & Air Conditioning knows that a healthy furnace starts with you! To prep your furnace with end-of-season care, call us today at (740) 625-2320, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here! Or, if you just have questions, our trained customer service associates are always available to answer your questions. We are happy to serve our customers and are always happy to hear from you! 

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