How Can You Prepare Your HVAC System For Back To School?    

Sep 16, 2022 | Air Filter, Air Purifier, Back-to-school, Blog, Fall, Fall Preparation, HVAC, iWave-R, Lancaster, OH, Thermostat, Viruses

For each household, the changing of seasons has different meanings. Everyone has their own habits and hobbies, and schedules differ from family to family. However, for many people, this time of year is the back-to-school season! Whether you have elementary kids just starting school, high school students, or older college kids – it’s going to be a time filled with lots of preparations and planning to ensure a successful year for everyone. Many people are caught up in new schedules and routines, fall traditions, changing their wardrobes, and planning for the fall school year. However, as a homeowner, it’s critical that you also keep your HVAC system in tip-top shape throughout the fall! The last thing you want to do is add to the madness of the back-to-school season by having a broken heating system. So, join us at Lancaster Furnace & Air Conditioning as we guide you through preparing your HVAC system for the next season. 

Have You Been Interested In Changing Your Thermostat To A Smart or Programmable One? 

The weather is highly unpredictable – one day, it could be boiling hot, and the next day it might be frigid outside. You never know what to expect, especially around this time of year! As you’re well aware, you probably haven’t had to use your heating system in full force yet. But before long, you may find yourself having to rely on it daily. Although the weather may be fickle, it’s never a bad idea to adjust your thermostat settings. Furthermore, with the children in school during the day, your HVAC system won’t have to work as hard since there will be less people in the house. This will help you save money on your energy bill by keeping your home at a higher temperature while you and your family are away from it, then lowering it back down when everyone returns in the afternoons. Programmable or smart thermostats are great for this; they may be programmed to maintain a higher temperature while you and your family are away from home, then change to a more comfortable temperature as soon as everyone begins returning home. If you don’t have one already but are considering investing in one, please feel free to contact us for more information! 

Have You Swapped Out Your HVAC Air Filter For A Fresh One Recently? 

It’s recommended that your air filter be replaced every 30-60 days. If your air filter isn’t supposed to be changed for a while, it’s not a bad idea to get started on the new school year by switching them out proactively. We all know how aggravating it is to have pollen, dust, and allergies swirling around the house. It’s quite possible that your air filter may have gotten bogged down with some of these summer pollutants. So, save yourself from additional fall chaos by changing your air filters now! 

Have You Cleaned The Vicinity Of The Outdoor Compressor?  

When leaves fall, and the plants begin to die off in the fall, your compressor is at risk of failure if loose leaves or debris enter it. Make sure there’s nothing left around the machine, especially leaves or twigs. Strong winds during the fall may pick up these free particles and carry them into the compressor’s fan blades, causing your system to fail and creating even more difficulties later on. In the fall, check your outdoor unit on a regular basis to be aware of any developing problems and prevent them from becoming major issues. One issue you don’t need added to your already stressful back-to-school season is an inefficient HVAC system! 

have you cleaned Your Ductwork & Air Vents?    

If vents and ductwork aren’t cleaned, they will eventually get clogged with dust and other things. If this happens, it affects how well your HVAC system works and can cause bigger problems later on. So, you should check the vents regularly, especially before school starts again. Too often, people ignore their ductwork until they have to pay for expensive repairs later down the line. Keep in mind as you prepare for the new school year that all vents should be open and unobstructed. When ducts are closed, it can cause your system to overheat or break down completely. So, if you find that your vents are dusty, use your vacuum’s hose attachment and a mild soap/warm water solution (as necessary) to clean the vents. 

Have You Scheduled A Seasonal Tune-up & Safety Check On Your Calendar?  

Get your heating system serviced once a year in the fall for a seasonal tune-up and safety check. This examination verifies that everything is functioning correctly and safely in accordance with current laws. Our NATE-certified service technicians will also do a complete inspection of your heating system to ensure it continues to operate properly according to current safety standards. 

Lancaster Furnace & Air Conditioning is a reputable and efficient HVAC company that takes pleasure in its job. Please, contact us immediately at (740) 625-2320, or book an appointment online right now by clicking here if you are interested in any of our services. Finally, we hope you and your family have the best school year possible! 

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